“12 in 24”

On Thursday May 15, Woodward Gallery held an elegant reception at the Down Town Association, 60 Pine Street, for 12 in 24. Presenting an intriguing array of artworks by 12 artists — all working in distinct styles — 12 in 24  continues through July, 2024.

The image shown above features Cosby, along with his first-born son, standing in front of his 2022 work Soft Spot. Fashioned with acrylic and mixed media on acrylic panel, it is representative of Cosbe’s raw, instinctive, signature aesthetic.

In addition to Cosbe— who is well-known to many of us street art aficionados — several other artists who have made their way onto public space are celebrated in this exhibition. What follows is a sampling:

The wonderfully talented BK Foxx, “Featherweight,” 2016, Freehand spray acrylic on linen

The late, legendary Richard Hambleton, “Sunset in Studio Valley,” 1985, Acrylic on canvas

NYC-based painter and muralist Jose Aurelio Baez, “Winter Bouquet,” 2023, Acrylic and wallpaper on canvas

The wonderfully versatile Moody, “From the Ground Up,” 2021, Enamel and high gloss acrylic on wood

Wide view of the elegant gallery space 

And the delightful “12 in 24” opening night

You can visit the exhibition through July by appointment (Art@WoodwardGallery.net) or view it on online at Artsy here.

Photo credits:

1-4 Lois Stavsky; 5-7 Courtesy Woodward Gallery