

Fusing her passion for street art with her mastery of classical painting, Miami-based Peruvian artist Diana Contreras aka Didi fashions whimsical portraits depicting her distinct notion of femininity. In NYC this weekend for the Fridge Art Fair, she will also be sharing her talents with us at JMZ Walls in Bushwick and at the 12C Outdoor Gallery in the East Village. I met Didi earlier this year in Miami.

When did you first paint in a public space? And where was it?

I first painted outdoors four years ago in Miami. I came late to the scene!

What made you decide to take your vision to the streets?

I love the idea of creating art for “the people” and sharing my vision with them.  It’s so much fun!  And it is also a great way for me to showcase my art.


You often paint beautiful images of lovely, sensual women. Why is that?

They’re fun; I can use any colors I want and I can add endless accessories. And I know women! I paint what I know!

Is there a message you want to convey?

I want folks who see my art to feel positive about themselves. If there is a central message, it is: Enjoy your life! And I also want girls to know that they have the power to follow their dreams and create themselves.


Are there any particular street artists who have inspired you?

I’ve been inspired by so many who have painted in Wynwood. Among them are: Miss Van, Fafi and Entes & Pessimo.

What is it like to be a female artist in Miami’s street art scene? 

The street art scene has actually been very supportive. It was the guys, in fact, who encouraged me to get up! It isn’t difficult for us to get walls, and folks are interested in hearing our stories.


You are a full-time elementary school art teacher, as well as a studio painter and muralist.  How do you manage to balance it all?

It’s difficult. I often feel that I am living two separate lives. I somehow manage because I love what I do so much. Both my lives give me tremendous gratification.

What’s ahead?

I’m headed to NYC for the Fridge Art Fair and while in NYC, I will be painting for JMZ Walls in Bushwick and for the 12C Outdoor Gallery in the East Village. I’m also excited to be participating in Boundless Brooklyn‘s upcoming group show of female artists curated by Claw Money. And I’m looking forward to a summer of traveling and painting!


It all sounds great!  And I’m so glad you are on your way to NYC!

Photos of Diana’s images: 1, 2, 4 and 5 courtesy of the artist; 3 Lois Stavsky



This past weekend over 100 artists — including such graffiti legends as T-Kid 170, Cey Adams, Cycle, Claw Money and Part One — transformed the blank white walls of August Martin High School into a dazzling, brilliant canvas. Curatated by Meres One with Marie Cecile Flaegul, the freshly-painted artworks represent a multitude of cultures, sensibilities and styles. While visiting yesterday, I had the opportunity to speak to August Martin student, Justin Price.

This is all so amazing! Your school is an absolute wonderland! What inspired this magical change?

The walls in our school were recently painted white. They looked dull and unwelcoming. We wanted to bring color and life to our surroundings, so that we would look forward to coming to school. And we wanted to look at art that we could relate to and that reflected our culture.


Whose concept was this?

August Martin’s Future Project Dream Team surveyed 500 students to find out what change they most wanted in our school. The students’ consensus was that they wanted to change the appearance of the school’s interior.


Once you knew what you wanted to do, what were some of the challenges you faced? 

We had to come up with a proposal and a budget. That took us at least a month. Then we had to identify artists who could work with us. That was our biggest challenge until we were introduced to Meres and Marie of 5Pointz.


How have things been working out since you met them?

Once we met up with Meres and Marie, everything went smoothly. Meres is an amazing artist and knows so many other amazing artists. And I just can’t say enough about Marie! She is so conscientious and caring.


Most of the students haven’t yet seen the murals. But what kind of response have you gotten from those who have seem them?

They love them. They can’t wait to pose for photos in front of them!



And how have the teachers responded to this project? 

Their response has been positive. They know that if the students are happy and motivated, their jobs are easier.



And what about your principal, Ms. Smith?

She’s been 100% behind it. She’s worked hard to make sure that it happens and she has been here with us all weekend.


Why do you suppose there are so many underachievers among the students here?

Many of the students here lack the support systems they need, and they feel easily discouraged.  So many are talented and really love discovering new things.


I don’t doubt it!  What are your thoughts about this project and its possible impact?

I love it! It makes me so happy! And I think it will have a great impact on the other students.


Why is the project called Operation Skittles? I’ve been wondering about that!

Actually, there are two reasons!  Skittles are colorful and this project brings color to our school. And Skittles are the favorite snack of  Syreeta Gates, the Future Project Dream director here at August Martin.


Now that makes sense! How lucky you students at August Martin are to have realized Operation Skittles!

Note: Keep posted to the Street Art NYC Facebook page for more images and for news about an event at August Martin open to the public in early June.

Photos and interview by Lois Stavsky

1. T-Kid 170

2. Will Kasso

3. Cey Adams

4. Zeso and Awez

5, Miss Zukie

6. Kid Lew with August Martin principal Gillian Smith standing to his left

7. Part One

8. Meres One

9. Reme 821

10. Remiks and See TF

11. Cycle

12. Sjembakkus — in from Amsterdam

13. BK Foxx

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This is the seventh in a series of occasional posts featuring images of children that surface on our public spaces:

Gustavo Nénão in Chelsea

"Gustavo Nénão"

Joe Iurato in Jersey City

"Joe Iurato"

Stinkfish in Bushwick


Jef Aerosol at the Bushwick Collective


Danielle Mastrion in Staten Island with the Centrefuge Public Art Project


Photos: 1 City-As-School intern Zachariah Messaoud; 2, 3 & 5 Lois Stavsky; 4 Dani Reyes Mozeson



“There’s some amazing talent here,” commented a rather staid looking older man – dressed in a three-piece suit – as he saw me approaching the former Pep Boys shop in Downtown Jersey City. And, indeed, there is! Thanks to the efforts of the indefatigable Greg Edgell aka Green Villian and the dozens of artists who came together last week, the former shop now boasts some of the finest graffiti to be found anywhere.  Here is just a sampling:

Greg Lamarche aka SP.ONE


Mr Mustart and Distort


Mr Mustart and Era


Mr Abillity and Chopla




Distort and Mr Mustart


Clarence Rich, Dzel and Nark


Paws 21 — with Green Villain to the right


The Pep Boys shop is located on 410 Marin Boulevard, a few blocks away from Newport Mall. Originally slated for demolition this past Friday, the building will remain for at least another month. We will be back!

Photos by Lois Stavsky


This is the ninth post in an occasional series featuring the diverse range of artwork on NYC shutters:

Claw Money





daze-graffiti shutter-NYCjpg

Iena Cruz

Cruz-street-art-williamsburg- NYC

Plasma Slug




Armas Carino


Margot Bird




Photos: 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 & 9 Dani Reyes Mozeson; 3 Tara Murray; 5 & 8 Lois Stavsky



In celebration of Yonkers Arts Weekend beginning tomorrow, May 1, and continuing through Sunday, May 3, several new murals will grace Downtown Yonkers. Among these is the wonderfully vibrant one curated by Wall Works NY. Here are a few more images we captured on a brilliantly sunny day earlier this week:

John Paul O’Grodnick and Crash at work


Daze beneath his “eye” with Nicer, Tats Cru — to his left — at work


Nicer, BG183, Bio Tats Cru and Daze 


Posing for a final shot


A perfect tribute to the revitalization of Downtown Yonkers, the mural is located at 45 Main Street near Getty Square and Broadway.

Note: Standing in the first photo are John Paul O’GrodnickCrash and BR163

Photo credits: 1 & 4 Lois Stavsky; 2, 3 & 5 City-As-School intern Diana Davidova


Babe Ruth, Derek Jeter, Roberto Clemente and Satchel Paige are among the legendary baseball players whose faces now grace a range of storefronts on and off River Avenue from 158th Street to 162nd Street. A partnership between the 161st Street Business Improvement District and 501 See Streets, this particular project is one of several initiated by 501 See Streets founder and director, Noah Sheroff. I recently met up with Noah to find out more about him and his Paint New York project.


You are on a mission to bring public art to neighborhoods in NYC and beyond. What spurred your interest in street art?

I grew up in a neighborhood that was largely void of art. When I first visited 5Pointz in 2011, I was struck by the beauty and energy of it all. The following year I went on a tour of the Bushwick Collective, and soon after that, I discovered the Welling Court Mural Project in Astoria, Queens.  By then I was hooked!  I knew that I wanted to bring art murals to communities that wouldn’t otherwise have them. 


We are familiar with the murals you facilitated that have transformed the blocks around Yankee Stadium.  Have you engaged other neighborhoods?

Yes. Danielle Mastrion painted a mural on Flatbush Avenue and Avenue H in Brooklyn; Miss Zukie collaborated with John Paul O’Grodnick on Benson Street.across from the Lewis & Clark School, and Marthalicia painted on Jerome Avenue and East 198th Street.


What are some of the challenges you’ve encountered?

It’s been a daunting learning experience!  The community members are often apprehensive. Artists tend to question my motives. And the funders are hesitant to fund “a new kid on the block.” 


What seems to be the main concern of the community?

They are concerned about the content – about offending the sensibilities of the folks who live in the neighborhood.  That is one of the reasons artists are often asked to submit a sketch first. 


You are in the process of forging alliances with several Business Improvement Districts. Are they generally receptive?

Yes, the BIDs are generally receptive. They see the art as a way to highlight their businesses, bring commerce to their neighborhoods and attract tourists. I am also forging partnerships with civics and other neighborhood organizations.


What’s ahead?

I’m interested in expanding Paint New York into more neighborhoods and working with a range of community groups. And at this point, fundraising is essential to cover expenses and to pay the artists for their talents and time.

Good luck! And we are looking forward to 501 See Streets bringing more art to our streets!

Note:  Find out how you can help support Noah’s project here

Interview by Lois StavskyImages 1 & 2 Danielle Mastrion; 3 & 5 Lexi Bella; 4 & 6 Andre Trenier; photo credits 1 & 2 Lois Stavsky; 3-6 City-As-School intern Diana Davidova



The extraordinarily gifted Belgian artist Roa has recently shared his talents and passion for the animal kingdom with us outdoors in Jersey City and indoors at the Jonathan LeVine Gallery. The following images were captured this past Saturday near the entrance to the Holland Tunnel, not far from Mana Contemporary where Roa created his works for Metazoa, currently on exhibit at Jonathan LeVine:



Close-up with Roa at work


The mural, full view


And here is a sampling of ROA‘s interactive works at Jonathan LeVine, largely created on found, salvaged materials:

Sturnus Vulgaris, mixed-media

Roa-Composition  ll-Jonathan-Levine-GalleryRoa-Sturnus Vulgaris-Jonathan-Levine

Composition II: Lutrinate, Salmonidae, Anguilliformes, mixed media

Sturnus Vulgaris, mixed media

Roa-Sylvilagus Audubonii-Jonathan-Levine

NY Canidae, mixed media, rear


Metazoa continues through May 2 at Jonathan LeVine at the gallery’s 529 West 20th Street space.

Note: For a wonderfully interactive view of several pieces check out this post on Colosaal

Photos of Roa in Jersey City by bytegirl; of Roa’s works at Jonathan LeVine, Dani Reyes Mozeson



Some of NYC’s most vibrant and striking murals–on Boone Avenue between 172nd and 173rd Streets in the Bronx–were demolished last year to be replaced by residential buildings. But thanks to the efforts of SLO Architecture, various artists, neighboring Fannie Lou Hamer High School, Maria Krajewski, City-As-School students and several others, the spirit of Boone Avenue lives. Featuring dozens of images, interviews and more, the Boone Room website, constructed by City-As-School students, can now be viewed online. To celebrate its launch, the public is invited to join the City-As-School family, several of the artists and a host of performers and musicians tonight at Exit Room.

 Artists interviewed for the Boone Room website include: Cope2, Eric Orr, Marthalecia and Valerie Larko who has preserved the walls in her amazing photorealistic paintings.

Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 3.59.41 PM.png

Lady K Fever

"Lady K Fever"

Kashink — who was visiting NYC from Paris — to the left of Lady K Fever


 Tonight at 270 Meserole Street in Bushwick


Post by City-As-School intern Zachariah Messaoud with Lois Stavsky; photos 3 and 4 courtesy Maria Krajewski



Yesterday famed artist Ron English brought his vision to the legendary wall on Bowery and Houston. We are thrilled that this space is once again serving as Downtown Manhattan’s most exhilarating, rotating, outdoor canvas.

The artist and his mural — to be further enhanced — featuring his iconic Temper Tot and his take on the American flag


Ron English‘s wonderfully sardonic commentary on it all


Another close-up


Note: Ron English continues to work on his mural on Houston and Bowery; he is to begin painting it today, further enhancing his amazing work!

Photos by Dani Reyes Mozeson

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