The Real Love Child

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A collaborative hub for artists, the Mana BSMT occupies the entire lower level of Mana Contemporary‘s Jersey City headquarters. After completing their residency there, Apostrophe NYC’s Base 12 artists presented their artworks in a series of installations and performances this past Saturday evening. The image pictured above was fashioned by Ryan Bock, whose talents have also made their way onto walls on the Lower East Side and Bushwhick. Here are several more images we captured:

Also by Ryan BockSacrificial Shanking


Kolter Hodgson, Cryami, close-up


James Reyes

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James Rubio with his new Power of Prayer paintings


The Real Love Child, close-up


Sei Smith, Yellow and Blue — as observed by Houda Lazrak — with artist as masseur


Alana Dee Haynes, Photo Booth — with fashions designed by the artist


Photo credits: 1-7 Lois Stavsky and 8 Houda Lazrak

Note: Hailed in a range of media from Wide Walls to the Huffington Post to the New York Times, our Street Art NYC App is now available for Android devices here.

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